Step By Step Guide
If you think your child is struggling to read...
1 - Gathering Information:
Talk to Teachers
What should I ask my child’s teachers?
HERE is a terrific source for information that will help you talk to your child's teachers.
HERE is a template to take with you when you meet with your child's teachers.
HERE is some information about partnering with your child's school.
What are some different reading approaches that can be helpful?
Click HERE.
What I kind of tutoring should I be looking for? How do I find one in my area?
What kind of remediation ( age and kinds of tutoring) and/ or accommodations( age etc) do I ask for?
What are my child's rights?
What are my child’s legal rights?
HERE is some information to help you begin learning about your child's rights around dyslexia.
How do I determine what assisted technology options may be best?
HERE is some guidance.
What is “Due Process” ?
Learn about due process HERE.
What to do with the school says the law doesn’t recognize dyslexia?
THIS SITE can help.
Click HERE to learn about Tax breaks for parents with special needs kids
Other Questions
How do I determine what assisted technology options may be best?
HERE are some helpful resources to guide you.
What are some different reading approaches that can be helpful?
HERE is some helpful information.
How can I get more information online?
DLN Advisory Member Cigdem Knobels offers free, online parent summits.
Network Parent Advice: I would ask what type of testing will be done. I think it’s important to make sure a test that measures IQ is included although current recommendations advise it is not necessary for this to be included. I feel as a parent it is something that is beneficial to know. Sometimes relying on a student’s past academic achievement in school can be a bit skewed and not reliable.
How do I request testing?
HERE is a sample letter you car write to get the ball rolling.
What if the school refuses?
HERE is some information about states that do not recognize dylsexia.
Network Parent Advice: Start a binder and document when letters were written and sent. I recommend always sending a hardcopy and an email to teachers, principals, superintendent, and director of special education. It is convenient to keep track of the paper trail and times of when things are sent via email.
What is an IEP?
What is a 504 plan?
And what is the difference?
What do I ask about my child's IEP meeting?
Click HERE to find out.
What to do after your IEP meeting?
Click HERE to find out.
Keeping up with IEP reviews? How do I know my child is progressing?
Difference between private and public-school testing?
Where/How to find someone to test my child privately?
What should a private testing include?
Do I need to work through my child’s pediatrician?
How do I go about getting special accommodations for my child who is taking the SAT or ACT?
HERE is the answer.
What colleges are best for a child with Dyslexia?
Other issues with Dyslexia
Social Emotional
Executive Functioning
2E Kids - Twice Exceptional